Death of Robert Seymour
Dickens' announcement of Seymour's suicide appeared in the second monthly installment of Pickwick Papers

Robert Seymour
We do not allude to this distressing event, in the vain hope of adding, by any eulogium of ours, to the respect in which the late Mr Seymour's memory is held by all who ever knew him. Some apology is due to our readers for the appearance of the present Number with only three plates. When we state, that they comprise Mr Seymour's last efforts, and that on one of them, in particular, (the embellishment to the Stroller's Tale,) he was engaged up to a late hour of the night preceding his death, we feel confident that the excuse will be deemed a sufficient one.
Arrangements are in progress which will enable us to present the ensuing Numbers of the Pickwick Papers on an improved plan, which we trust will give entire satisfaction to our numerous readers.
April 27th, 1836