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Charles Dickens in America

A Day-by-Day Guide to Dickens' whereabouts in America in 1842


PL3:[page] n[note] - The Letters of Charles Dickens, Pilgrim Edition, Volume 3
EFP:[page] - Dickens Days in Boston by Edward F. Payne
WGW:[page] - Charles Dickens in America by William G. Wilkins
AN:[chapter] - American Notes by Charles Dickens
SCD:[page] - The Speeches of Charles Dickens

A special thanks to Philip Currah and his work on Dickensdays which provided me with a starting point for this research.

Mon Jan 3Adelphi Hotel, LiverpoolPL3:6
Tue Jan 4Sailed from Liverpool aboard BritanniaPL3:6
Wed Jan 5Aboard Britannia
Thu Jan 6Aboard Britannia
Fri Jan 7Aboard Britannia
Sat Jan 8Aboard Britannia
Sun Jan 9Aboard Britannia
Mon Jan 10Aboard Britannia, hurricane described to ForsterPL3:11
Tue Jan 11Aboard Britannia
Wed Jan 12Aboard Britannia
Thu Jan 13Aboard Britannia
Fri Jan 14Aboard Britannia
Sat Jan 15Aboard Britannia
Sun Jan 16Aboard Britannia
Mon Jan 17Aboard Britannia off NewfoundlandPL3:11
Tue Jan 18Aboard Britannia
Wed Jan 19Aboard Britannia - Ship runs aground entering Halifax harborPL3:13
Thu Jan 20Landed at Halifax, Nova ScotiaPL3:14
Fri Jan 21Aboard Britannia in the Bay of FundyPL3:13
Sat Jan 22Tremont House, BostonPL3:15
Sun Jan 23Tremont House, Boston
Mon Jan 24Tremont House, Boston - Visited State Capitol in the afternoon - Tremont Theatre in the eveningPL3:18 & n3
Tue Jan 25Tremont House, Boston - Sat for Alexander's portraitPL3:20 n3
Wed Jan 26Tremont House, Boston - Sat for Dexter's bust - Ball at Papanti's HallPL3:18; EFP:47
Thu Jan 27Tremont House, Boston - Sat for Dexter's bust - Dinner with Dana, Ticknor, and others at the home of Francis C. GrayEFP:50; EFP:55; PL3:40 n1
Fri Jan 28Tremont House, Boston - Dinner at the home of prominent historian William H PrescottEFP-58; PL3:40 n1
Sat Jan 29Tremont House, Boston - Visited Perkins Institute for the Blind, the State Hospital for the Insane, and the House of Correction. Represented the passengers of the Britannia in presenting Captain Hewitt a piece of plate for their appreciation of his handling of the perilous voyagePL3:32-33 n5; EFP:61-67
Sun Jan 30Tremont House, Boston - Went with Longfellow and Sumner to hear Father Edward Thompson Taylor preach at his church the Seamen's Bethal. Afterwards the three enjoyed a walk to Bunker Hill and other Boston landmarks.PL3:39 n2; EFP:72-81
Mon Jan 31Tremont House, Boston - Attended the National Theatre in the evening to see J.S. Jones's dramatizatin of Samuel Warren's new novel Ten Thousand a YearPL3:44 n4; EFP:85-89
Tue Feb 1Tremont House, Boston - Continued to sit for his portrait by Francis Alexander - Spoke at the banquet in his honor at Papanti’s HallPL3:45 n2; EFP:90; WGW:23-87
Wed Feb 2Tremont House, Boston - Breakfasted with Dr William Ellery ChanningPL3:48 n1
Thu Feb 3Tremont House, Boston - Visited Lowell, Massachusetts, his first trip on an American railroad, a journey of 26 miles accomplished in an hour at a cost of 65 centsPL3:48 n1; EFP:116
Fri Feb 4Tremont House, Boston - Breakfasted with Longfellow, visited Harvard, attended a session of the Boston courtPL3:48 n1
Sat Feb 5Tremont House, Boston - Breakfasted with Richard Henry Dana Jr. Left Boston for Worcester MA by railroad accompanied by Governor John Davis and stayed at Davis's homeEFP:129; PL3:67; EFP:132
Sun Feb 6Home of Massachusetts Governor John Davis, Worcester MA - Dinner given by Governor Davis in the eveningPL3:67; EFP:134
Mon Feb 7Worcester MA-Springfield MA by roadroad then on to Hartford CT via steamboat Massachusetts on the Connecticut RiverPL3:68
Tue Feb 8City Hotel, Hartford CT - While in Hartford Dickens visited the Insane Asylum and the Institution for the Deaf and DumbPL3:52; AN:5
Wed Feb 9City Hotel, Hartford CT
Thu Feb 10City Hotel, Hartford CT
Fri Feb 11City Hotel, Hartford CT to New Haven CT via railroad, stayed at the Tontine Hotel which was besieged by the whole population of the townPL3:68 & n7
Sat Feb 12New Haven CT to New York via steamboat New York - Stayed at Carlton House - Met Washington IrvingPL3:69-70; AN:5
Sun Feb 13Carlton House, New York
Mon Feb 14Carlton House, New York - Boz Ball at the Park TheatrePL3:66 n4; WGW:109-115; Account of in American Heritage Dec 1957
Tue Feb 15Carlton House, New York - Confined to his room with a sore throatPL3:62
Wed Feb 16Carlton House, New York - Confined to his room with a sore throat - “Bozless Ball” held without him much to the disappointment of the attendeesPL3:65 n7 & 66 n1
Thu Feb 17Carlton House, New York - Dinner party at the home of David ColdenPL3:72 n5
Fri Feb 18Carlton House, New York - Gave a speech at a banquet in his honor presided over by Washington IrvingPL3:74; SCD:68
Sat Feb 19Carlton House, New York
Sun Feb 20Carlton House, New York - Attended St John's church with former president Martin Van BurenWGW:118
Mon Feb 21Carlton House, New YorkPL3:74
Tue Feb 22Carlton House, New YorkPL3:76
Wed Feb 23Carlton House, New YorkPL3:77
Thu Feb 24Carlton House, New York - Attended Novelties Club dinner at the Astor HousePL3:73 n2; WGW:118
Fri Feb 25Carlton House, New YorkPL3:78
Sat Feb 26Carlton House, New York
Sun Feb 27Carlton House, New YorkPL3:92
Mon Feb 28Carlton House, New YorkPL3:95
Tue Mar 1Carlton House, New York - Catherine illPL3:97
Wed Mar 2Carlton House, New York - Catherine ill - Visited the New York House of Corrections-The Tombs prisonPL3:102 n1; WGW:119
Thu Mar 3Carlton House, New YorkPL3:98
Fri Mar 4Carlton House, New York - Catherine better, they enjoy “laying low” as it is supposed that they left New York on Feb 28PL3:98-99
Sat Mar 5Carlton House, New York to United States Hotel, Philadelphia via railroad 5-11 pmPL3:99-100 & :99 n2
Sun Mar 6United States Hotel, PhiladelphiaPL3:99
Mon Mar 7United States Hotel, PhiladelphiaPL3:108
Tue Mar 8United States Hotel, Philadelphia - Held an impromptu levee at the hotel in the morning, shaking hands with upwards of 500 people. Toured the Eastern Penitentiary in the afternoon, and attended a party at the home of Henry Charles Carey, former publisher and future economic adviser to Abraham Lincoln, in the evening.PL3:99 n1
Wed Mar 9United States Hotel, Philadelphia to Fuller's Hotel, Washington via steamboat and railroadWGW:164
Thu Mar 10Fuller's Hotel, Washington - Visited President John Tyler in the White House and then the CapitolPL3:116-117; WGW:166
Fri Mar 11Fuller's Hotel, Washington - Visited the Capitol againPL3:119
Sat Mar 12Fuller's Hotel, WashingtonPL3:114
Sun Mar 13Fuller's Hotel, Washington - Attended luncheon with John Quincy Adams. Dinner at the home of Robert Greenhow, a translator at the State Department. PL3:113 n3; WGW:167
Mon Mar 14Fuller's Hotel, Washington - Dinner with The Alleghany Club at Boulanger's. Dickens gave a short speech and left early on receiving word that long sought for letters from home had arrivedPL3:132 & n1-2; WGW:168
Tue Mar 15Fuller's Hotel, Washington - Attended a levee given by President John Tyler at the White HousePL3:134; WGW:171
Wed Mar 16Fuller's Hotel, Washington - In the evening boarded a steamboat for the first leg of the trip to Richmond VA spending the night aboard shipPL3:138 & n1
Thu Mar 17Aboard steamboat on the Potomac, woke early to see Mount Vernon. Coach from Potomac Creek to Fredericksbug VA, then railroad to Exchange Hotel, Richmond VA, arriving between 6 and 7 pmPL3:139 & n8; WGW:177 (Wilkins wrongly sets the date of boarding the steamboat at the 15th rather than the correct date of the 16th; AN:9
Fri Mar 18Exchange Hotel, Richmond VA - Attended a social supper in his honor at the Exchange HotelPL3:141 & n2; WGW:181
Sat Mar 19Exchange Hotel, Richmond VA - Breakfasted with actorEdwin Forrest. While in Richmond visited State legislature, a tobacco plantation and manufactoryPL3:149 & n4; AN:9
Sun Mar 20Exchange Hotel - Richmond VA to Fredericksburg by rail, then by coach to Potomac Creek, then to Washington by steamboatPL3:140 & n2
Mon Mar 21Washington to Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore MD arriving about 6:30 pmPL3:144 n2
Tue Mar 22Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore MD - Dined with Washington Irving and othersPL3:143 n5
Wed Mar 23Barnum's Hotel, BaltimoreMD - Visited the Maryland Hospital and the penitentiary. Dined again with Washington Irving and shared a mint julipPL3:143 n5; WGW:193-194
Thu Mar 24Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore MD to York PA by railroad. Dined, then by coach to the Eagle Hotel, Harrisburg PAPL3:167 & n3; WGW:195
Fri Mar 25Eagle Hotel, Harrisburg PA - Visited the State capitol and the city's model prison. Left on canal boat 3 pmPL3:168; 169 1
Sat Mar 26Aboard Canal boat to Pittsburgh via Pennsylvania CanalAN:10
Sun Mar 27Aboard Canal boat to Pittsburgh via Pennsylvania Canal - Crossed Blair's Gap Summit via railroadAN:10; PL3:171 & n1
Mon Mar 28Aboard Canal boat to Pittsburgh via Pennsylvania CanalAN:10
Tue Mar 29Aboard Canal boat to Pittsburgh via Pennsylvania Canal - Arrived Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh 9:30 pmWGW:200; PL3:148 n5
Wed Mar 30Pittsburgh PA
Thu Mar 31Monongahela House, Pittsburgh PA - Met with Allegheny City mayor, William Foster, and his sixteen-year-old son Stephen Foster, future folk song composer (Camptown Races, Oh Susanna, My Old Kentucky Home)PL3:178 n2
Fri Apr 1Left Pittsburgh PA aboard steamboat MessengerPL3:176 & n6; WGW:203
Sat Apr 2Aboard Messenger to CincinnatiPL3:178
Sun Apr 3Aboard Messenger to CincinnatiPL3:180
Mon Apr 4Arrived at Cincinnati 3am. Drove to the Broadway Hotel at 8:30 amPL3:182; WGW:206
Tue Apr 5Broadway Hotel, Cincinnati - Shown around Cincinnati by Judge Timothy Walker, attended a party at the Walker's residence in the eveningPL3:194; WGW:207
Wed Apr 6Left Cincinnati aboard steamboat Pike. Met Peter Pitchlynn, Choctaw Indian chief. Arrived at Galt House, Louisville KY at midnight.PL3:192 & n4-6; WGW:209
Thu Apr 7Left Louisville at noon on the steamboat FultonPL3:192 & n7; WGW:210
Fri Apr 8Aboard the Fulton en route to St Louis
Sat Apr 9aboard the Fulton en route to St Louis. Passed Cairo Illinois.WGW:210
Sun Apr 10Arrived Planter's House St Louis 9pmPL3:192
Mon Apr 11Planter's House St Louis - Toured the cityPL3:192; WGW:216
Tue Apr 12Travelled by coach to see the Looking Glass Prairie in Lebanon, Illinois. Stayed the night at Mermaid House, Lebanon ILPL3:199-201; & 200 n5; AN:13
Wed Apr 13Planter's House St Louis - Returned to St Louis by coach. In the evening attended a ball in his honor at the Planter's HousePL3:193 & n1; WGW:223
Thu Apr 14Left St Louis aboard the steamboat Messenger en route to Louisville KYWGW:225
Fri Apr 15Aboard the steamboat Messenger en route to Louisville KYPL3:192
Sat Apr 16Aboard the steamboat Messenger en route to Louisville KYPL3:192
Sun Apr 17Aboard the steamboat Messenger. Arrived Louisville KY stayed at Galt HousePL3:204; WGW:226
Mon Apr 18Galt House, Louisville KY - Boards the steamboat Ben Franklin en route back to CincinnatiPL3:204; WGW:226
Tue Apr 19Arrived in Cincinnati at 1 am. Stayed at Broadway HotelPL3:204 & n3; WGW:226
Wed Apr 20Left Cincinnati by coach at 8 am en route to Columbus OH. Dined at Mansion House hotel in Marion OH. Travelled all nightPL3:205 & n3
Thu Apr 21Arrived at Neil House, Columbus OH 7am. Rested all day and held a levee in the eveningPL3:205; WGW:227
Fri Apr 22Left Columbus at 7 am on coach bound for Upper Sandusky. Stopped for the night at the log inn in Upper Sandusky.PL3:205-207 & n3; WGW:227-231
Sat Apr 23Left Upper Sandusky at 7:30am on coach bound for Tiffin, OH where they took the railroad to Sandusky OH, arriving at 6pm and stayed the night at the Steamboat HotelPL3:207 & n3, n8; WGW:231
Sun Apr 24Left Sandusky OH aboard the steamboat Constitution. Spent the night aboard ship at Cleveland - SeasickPL3:208-209
Mon Apr 25Onboard the steamship Constitution. Called at Erie PAAN:14
Tue Apr 26Arrived Buffalo NY at 6am. Departed by train for Niagara Falls at 9am. Stayed at the Clifton House HotelPL3:208
Wed Apr 27Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:212 & 211 n2
Thu Apr 28Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:211 n2
Fri Apr 29Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:214 & 211 n2
Sat Apr 30Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:221 & 211 n2
Sun May 1Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:225 & 211 n2
Mon May 2Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:211 n2
Tue May 3Clifton House Hotel, Niagara Falls, CanadaPL3:231 & 211 n2
Wed May 4Left Niagara Falls via steamboat en route to Toronto, Canada arriving at 6:30pmPL3:234 n2; AN:15
Thu May 5TorontoPL3:234 n2
Fri May 6Left Toronto at noon via steamboat en route to Kingston. Spent the night on the boatPL3:234 n2
Sat May 7Arrived Kingston 8amPL3:234 n2
Sun May 8Kingston, CanadaPL3:234 n4
Mon May 9Kingston, CanadaPL3:234 n4
Tue May 10Left Kingston 9:30am via steamboat Gildersleeve, transferred to stagecoach to avoid rapids, then boarded another steamboat and spent the night aboard shipPL3:234 n4
Wed May 11Boarded a stagecoach at 8am, then another steamboat at noon. Arrived at Lachine at 3pm, then nine miles to Montreal, Canada. Stayed at Rasco's Hotel, St Paul StreetPL3:234 n4, n7
Thu May 12Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, CanadaPL3:235
Fri May 13Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, CanadaPL3:237
Sat May 14Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Sun May 15Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Mon May 16Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, CanadaPL3:238
Tue May 17Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, CanadaPL3:241
Wed May 18Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Thu May 19Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Fri May 20Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Sat May 21Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, CanadaPL3:242
Sun May 22Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Mon May 23Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Tue May 24Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada
Wed May 25Rasco's Hotel, Montreal, Canada - Performed in private theatricals A Roland for an Oliver, Past Two o'Clock in the Morning, and Deaf as a Post at Queen's TheatreLetters vol 3 pg 245 and note 3; Playbill
Thu May 26Left Montreal aboard steamboat for overnight journey to QuebecPL3:234 n5; AN:15
Fri May 27Quebec, CanadaPL3:234 n5
Sat May 28Rasco's Hotel Montreal- Performed in public theatricals A Roland for an Oliver, Past Two o'Clock in the Morning, and High Life Below Stairs at Theatre RoyalPL3:245 n3; Playbill
Sun May 29Rasco's Hotel Montreal
Mon May 30Left Montreal by steamboat across the St Lawrence, then by rail to St John's, then via steamboat Burlington to Lake Champlain. Spent the night aboard shipPL3:249 n2; AN:15
Tue May 31Arrived Whitehall NY via steamboat at 6am. Left Whitehall by coach and arrived at Albany NY between 5-6pm then departed at 7pm via steamboat for New York. Spent the night aboard ship. PL3:249 n2; AN:15
Wed Jun 1Arrived in New York by steamboat at 5am. Stayed at Carlton HousePL3:249 n2; AN:15
Thu Jun 2Carlton House, New York - Left New York to go back up the river to Hudson and then by coach to Lebanon Springs to see a Shaker VillagePL3:251
Fri Jun 3Visited Shaker Village
Sat Jun 4Travelled back down the North River to West Point NY and stayed the nightPL3:251 note 2
Sun Jun 5West Point NYPL3:251 n2
Mon Jun 6Returned to Carlton House, New York - Attended a dinner at Carlton House at 6pmPL3:251 n4 & 252
Tue Jun 7Sailed from New York aboard the George WashingtonPL3:252 & n1

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